Unlimited Love - Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Red Hot Chili Peppers is a band where I need to listen to all their music. I was definitely unsure of that decision until they released their studio album Unlimited Love. Californication was great, but this album takes it to a whole new level. The epic return of the guitarist John Frusciante was so great. I liked Josh Klinghoffer's playing style, but as one of my friends said, John fits better with the band. I completely agree with this statement. Anyway, Unlimited Love provides so many wonderful songs to the listener, including Black Summer and Poster Child. Both of these songs really define this album, but there are so many other great songs that define the album as well. I also love the album title, Unlimited Love. Love and respect is what we need in this decade. We just need to be aware and realize that we are human and although we have our differences, hate should not be our first response. We can politely disagree, but we should love each other because love conquers hate. I don't know what type of love the album title is referring to, but this is how I interpreted the album title.
This album is what the Chili Peppers needed after The Getaway. The Getaway was in no way awful but, I didn't believe it was the Chili Pepper's greatest work. Especially since Rick Rubin didn't produce the album. Most of the Chili Peppers albums with Rick Rubin producing them absolutely slap. I know Rick Rubin produced Return of the Dream Canteen, but after listening to a few of the songs on that album. I was definitely not impressed. I just really couldn't connect with it. That album will be reviewed another time though. To get back on topic, the Red Hot Chili Peppers are definitely in my top 10 favorite band list. I want to listen to all their music, but I know it will take a LONG time. For right now I'm listening to what is hip, and that is Unlimited Love.
(To start this review off, I'll show a list that contains my favorite songs to my least favorite songs on this album. If a song is number 1, that means it was my favorite song. No other songs from the band's other albums will be shown on this list. Only songs that are on this album will be reviewed. Finally, I will briefly explain why my list is ordered the way it is. In other words, I will briefly explain why this song is ranked this way.)
I'll try to be quick saying this but when it comes to the future of this blog. I will try to post regularly, but we'll see how that goes. Another topic I would like to address is how the blog is completely shaped. Instead of reviewing albums completely, I will only be reviewing songs from albums individually in EACH blog post, this means the blog post will take a shorter time to make. By no means does this mean that the quality of the blog will decrease. I believe it will remain the same and potentially be better than it was previously. I believe it will suit a wider audience as well if I do it that way.
The List:
- She's a Lover - My favorite part about this song is John's vocals throughout the song and the sporadic guitar played throughout the song. After listening to this song again for a while I just noticed that the percussion is incredible in this song
- Black Summer - The Bass is out, the beat is solid, and the guitar is melodic with a hint of emotion and sassiness in the beginning. I don't know what Anthony is talking about, probably a "Black Summer" John's voice adds a heavenly sound to the chorus. Whatever a "Black Summer" is, I want to live in it.
- Aquatic Mouth Dance - John's Guitar repeating that one note sounds so groovy with the repetitive bassline. Anthony is being Anthony like always. I appreciate whatever brass instrument that is used in this track. It surprisingly fits in a song where it probably shouldn't fit.
- The Heavy Wing - Hearing John's vocals singled out within a song is refreshing from Anothny 24/7 It's nice and I appreciate it very much. The Heavy Wing is so high on my ranking because it is just incredible. It is literal candy to my ears.
- White Braids & Pillow Chair - I'm not sure what this song is about, but I dig it. The guitar sounds angelic in a way. I never knew that notes like that could fit so well on a guitar.
- One Way Traffic - A repetitive riff in a song with a funky rhythm can make a big difference when it comes to me rating that song. This song does just that. The guitar is on point with what I just described.
- Bastards of Light - I liked this song so much, I videotaped a performance of me singing this song. The audio quality is awful, but I enjoyed doing it. The only part of this song I am not very fond of is the bridge. It just doesn't fit well with the song.
- Here Ever After - I could rave about this song all day, but some key notes about this song that I really enjoy are the percussion as well as the bass. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure a pick is used in this song on the bass.
- It's Only Natural - I know that this song has a slow tempo but MAN, this song slaps. The chorus is what gets me. The part where it's like "It's only na-tural ... "
- Poster Child - My favorite part about this song is the guitar. Listen to the guitar if you can in this song. The clash at the beginning of the riff then turning into something funky and repetitive is something I sincerely dig. It rocks 10/10. Someone might say that the first thing they notice is about the song is the random lyrics. But the more I listened to it, the more I noticed the guitar, although the bass is probably louder than it is compared to the guitar in the song.
- The Great Apes - There's nothing really to rave about this song. Just another typical Chili Peppers song. As long as it is Not the One.
- Whatchu Thinkin' - The vocals ruin this song, but every instrument in this song fits perfectly in this song. Other than that I enjoy this song very much song.
- These Are the Ways - I really don't know why I'm not a huge fan of this song. I was so disappointed when I found out this song was a single. This is probably the only song I know that I believe shouldn't be a single that is a single. It was a major letdown.
- Not the One - It's by no means a bad song. It's just that I am more into upbeat songs than songs that are slow. I'm not saying I don't like any songs that have a slow beat. It's just this song isn't stellar or phenomenal when it comes to the Chili Peppers. Let's just say this song is "Not the One" for me.
- Let 'Em Cry - The chorus is just annoying it is back and forth with two notes. It just doesn't work with the chorus. Other than that the song is fire. The guitar riff near the end of the song is beautiful in all honestly. It sounds phenomenal and rockin'.
- Tangelo - The first time I listened to this song, I absolutely hated it. I'm pretty sure it ranked last compared with the album as a whole. You know what though, this song has grown on me and I'm ranking it a little higher than the absolute very bottom. It's calm and gives a bit of a break to the listener after listening to the hard, alternative rock of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
- Veronica - This song just doesn't work. I hate the key change and time change in this song. There is so much potential for this song, but they ruined it with those two elements.
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