Greatest Hits - Red Hot Chili Peppers

I know that reviewing a "Greatest Hits" album of any band is "not really" a true studio album. To start this blog off, am I maybe cheating the blog when reviewing this album? Yes! But my explanation for reviewing this album has ground to stand on because it gives me a challenge to work with. Every studio album I've listened to has either had great songs or not so great songs. This album makes my job a lot harder, so this will be a more interesting review than normal. Like always, let me first explain why I listened to this album. I loved MANY RHCP songs, so many that I wanted their greatest hits. Truthfully speaking, I don't think this album has all their greatest hits. I have two problems with this album, first, they are missing quite a few songs such as "Can't Stop" and "Stone Cold Bush." Second, they didn't add many songs from the band's early years, but I love this album to death because it has the majority of their best s...